
Photoshop is a raster graphics editor designed for graphic design and photo editing. It was developed by Adobe Systems.

What you need to know in Photoshop:

  • Creating a new image – If you are using Photoshop, you are expected to know how to create, edit, and save an image file.
  • You are expected to know the basics of image manipulation such as working with brightness, contrast, resolution, and cropping techniques.
  • Using psd files – You’ll need to know how to save your work in psd files if you want to save Photoshop specific content like layers.

How it is used in the Industry:

Photoshop is not a necessary skill for technical communicators, but knowledge of this program might be useful.

How it is used in the MSTC program:

Photoshop is a very useful tool for designing graphics to include in documentation projects.  You can crop and edit screen captures, add pointers and more.

Where can you learn more about Photoshop:

Visit the Photoshop product page on the Adobe Systems website.