Adobe FrameMaker

This tool by Adobe is essentially a Document Processor developed to create and modify large documents, including “Structured Documents” that contain embedded coding and also unstructured documents if the need arises. In other words, it is the most comprehensive application for authoring, editing and publishing professional Technical Documentations and is a favorite amongst the Technical Writing community. It is certainly a must-have tool for students of this program.

How is it used in the industry:

FrameMaker is used in the industry for structuring unstructured documents. They are widely used for creating user manuals and design specification documents. FrameMaker is seen as one of the advanced tools for creating technical documents. Only experienced technical writers usually work with FrameMaker.

How it is used in the MSTC Program:

This tool was earlier taught as a part of the ENG 519 course in the MSTC Program but is not anymore. This is due to the frequent changes and updates to the software and also because of the fact that not many companies in the industry use this software anymore.

Where can you get more information about FrameMaker:

You can access the tutorials for FrameMaker from

Adobe FrameMaker is available at the CHASS Lab for students.