MS Word

MS Word, a part of the Microsoft Office bundle, is the most commonly used word processing tool by companies. MS Word is placed under the category of Desktop Publishing Tools. In the field of Technical Communication, MS Word is often used to create document templates, quick reference guides, and user manuals. The latest and current version of MS Word is a part of MS Office 365.

What you need to know in MS Word:

  • Creating, Editing, and Saving a word document – If you are a user of MS Word, you are expected to know how to create, edit, and save a document. Editing documents include adding comments and using the track changes option. Additionally, you should also be able to use the grammar and spelling tool.
  • Creating a Template – As a technical writer you will be expected to know to customize and create a template (style sheet) for each documentation project. For example, some clients will request for specific heading styles and fonts to be associated with their document.
  • Creating brochures – With the latest version of MS Word you can create more than just documents. Companies expect students to know the design elements available in Word.
  • Working with images and tables – The basics also includes you knowing how to add and edit images, charts, and tables.

How it is used in the industry:

Technical communication managers list MS Word as one of the basic software that they expect graduate students to know when they hire someone. Although they do not expect new graduates to be expert users, they claim that knowing MS Word is definitely an advantage. They have mentioned that in order to evaluate the skills of an applicant, they often ask them to submit work samples created using Word.

Technical Writers in the industry mentioned that they use Word documents on a daily basis mostly for the purpose of drafting reports, release notes, and several other documents depending on the products handled by the company.

How it is used in the MSTC program:

Students are expected to know the basics of MS Word in the MSTC Program as well. You will find yourself creating reports, term papers, research papers, assignments, and sometimes even for designing a brochure. MS Word is one of the most commonly used documentation software for all the courses.

Tool-based courses that use MS Word in the MSTC Program:

ENG 314, ENG 517, and ENG 519

MS Word is one of the basic tools used in most of the courses in the MSTC Program. Many instructors like to use MS Word since it is widely available. 

How to get access to this software at NC State:

If you are a student at NC State, you can get access to this software from the NCSU Office of Information Technology. All you need to do is visit and check for the availability of the software for your personal computer or laptop.

Note: You need to Log in using your NCSU Unity ID and Password to download the software.

To download the software:

  1. Log into the NCSU OIT Software @ NC State website. The list of software is displayed.
  2. Check for the name of the software that you want to download from the list.
  3. Click the link of the software that you want to download. The link opens into a new window and displays the terms and conditions for downloading the software.
  4. Check for availability and follow the procedure given by the Office of Information Technology to get access to the software.

Apart from this, students can get free access to MS Word in all the libraries at NC State and the CHASS Lab located at Tompkins 113.