
If you are a student at NC State, most of the software listed in this website are taught in the MSTC Program or used in electives courses from other departments. But, if you wish to get trained in a particular software or take a crash course in learning about the basics, NCSU Office of Information Technology offers a wide range of workshops on tools and software, free of cost for NC State students. You can access the list of training programs and their schedules in 

Tips and Resources for Training Outside the Classroom

For basic training, many of the tools we have identified include links to tutorials or quick-start guides on the company’s site. In additional, one of the best places to consult for tutorials is our benevolent overlord, Google.  Performing a quick search can lead to a YouTube tutorial or a forum that can answer your question.  You can also pose a question on our forum.

At NC State, students can submit a Custom Training request form with the NCSU Office of Information Technology. They offer Classroom as well as Department training on technical communication tools. The form can be accessed at

Practice makes perfect: if you want to learn a tool, try to incorporate it as much as possible into your daily workflow.  You could also explore formal training courses offered through a local community college or university.  If you are currently in school, your college may offer custom training for certain tools.  For example, both OIT and DELTA at N.C. State take requests for software-specific basic and advanced training.  If you are an NC State student, keep on eye out for local workshops on our TCA page of events.