

Moodle is an integrated system to create personalised learning environments for educators and learners.

How it is useful to technical communicators:

Moodle is more closely related to instructional design. It is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors. Moodle offers a wide range of features that can be used for e-learning like:

  • Integrating videos
  • Linking google docs
  • Building quizzes
  • Calendar
  • Gradebook

Where you can learn more about it:


Other software like it:



oTranscribe helps users transcribe audio recordings into text by combining an audio player and word processor onto a single webpage.

How it is useful to technical communicators:

Transcribing audio files can be a time-consuming process, but oTranscribe makes it easier by enabling users to listen to audio files and type at the same time. Users no longer have to juggle multiple windows to switch from listening to word processing.

Where you can learn more about it:

oTranscribe website

Other software like it:

Alternatives to oTranscribe involve the simultaneous use of a word processing program like Microsoft Word and an audio player program such as Audacity or iTunes.


Brackets is a free open source text editor that was developed by Adobe Systems.  It can be used to edit HTML, CSS, XML and XSLT files.

What you need to know in Brackets:

  • Brackets is not a WYSIWYG editor, so you’ll need to know how to write code and save the file with the correct extension  (filename.html, filename.css, filename.xml, etc).

How it is used in the Industry:

Brackets is a useful tool for technical communicators who want to write their own code.

How it is used in the MSTC program:

Brackets could be used to learn how to write code for classes.  It could also be used to create websites for school projects.

Where can you learn more about Photoshop:

Visit the download page on the Adobe Systems website.


Photoshop is a raster graphics editor designed for graphic design and photo editing. It was developed by Adobe Systems.

What you need to know in Photoshop:

  • Creating a new image – If you are using Photoshop, you are expected to know how to create, edit, and save an image file.
  • You are expected to know the basics of image manipulation such as working with brightness, contrast, resolution, and cropping techniques.
  • Using psd files – You’ll need to know how to save your work in psd files if you want to save Photoshop specific content like layers.

How it is used in the Industry:

Photoshop is not a necessary skill for technical communicators, but knowledge of this program might be useful.

How it is used in the MSTC program:

Photoshop is a very useful tool for designing graphics to include in documentation projects.  You can crop and edit screen captures, add pointers and more.

Where can you learn more about Photoshop:

Visit the Photoshop product page on the Adobe Systems website.