
This is an open-source blogging software and a CMS or Content Management System (CMS) that is free and extremely easy to use. It has quickly evolved into one of the best CMS’s available today and its numerous plug-ins and widgets that keep getting added, have only enhanced its reputation even more. Some of its many features include the ability to switch between themes, integrated link management and Trackback and Pingback standards to name a few.

Courses in which this tool is taught:

COM 267 – Media Writing, Theory and Practice

This is an elective course offered to the undergraduate students in the Communication and English Department. Students are taught how to create blogs using WordPress which in turn is developed into a Digital Portfolio.

ENG 517: Advanced Technical Writing, Editing, and Document Design

In this course, graduate students are taught how to use WordPress and create a website. Students are taught the various features of WordPress and are made to choose a topic of their own and create a website from the scratch or modify an existing website.

Where can you learn more about WordPress:

You can learn WordPress for beginners at http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Lessons

NC State OIT offers workshop on WordPress and the details can be found at http://webapps.ncsu.edu/classmate/workshop/index/details/workshopId/210