
A wiki is a simple web application allowing collaborative or cooperative modification, extension or deletion of its structure and content. It is unlike a blog, which is usually created with a defined owner or leader, whereas a wiki does not. Wikipedia is the most popular wiki on the public web today. Wiki’s tend to favor plain-text editing rendering expert knowledge of HTML unnecessary to indicate structure and style. Other features include keeping a History of changes made to a Wiki, linking multiple wiki’s together and easy navigation and editing capabilities when more than one person may be on the same wiki.

How is it used in the industry:

Wiki is mostly used in the industry to store and update information on product documents and give updates to the team members working on the documentation.

Courses in which Wiki is taught:

Wiki is taught in the ENG 519 course in the MSTC Program. Students are made to register with Wiki and collaborate on existing Wiki forums and documents.

Where can you learn more about Wikis:

Students can get more information about Wiki at