The English Department offers various tool-based technical communication courses in the Spring semester. These courses are designed and structured in such a way that they complement the courses offered in the Fall semester. To know about the list of tool-based courses offered in the Fall semester, visit Courses Offered in Fall page.
This page will list the various courses available for students with Technical Writing minor as well as students majoring in Technical Communication.
ENG 317 – Designing Web Communication
This course is an extension to the ENG 214 and ENG 314 courses offered in the Fall semester. This course highlights about HTML tools and photo editors.
ENG 421 – Computer Documentation Design
This course open the avenue for students to learn about user manuals, reference guides, and tutorials. Through this course students will get exposed to the world technical documentation design.
ENG 519 – Online Information Design and Evaluation
This is one of the highly recommended courses for students in the MSTC Program. This course aims to educate students about the concepts and practices related to multimedia information design, information architectures, human-computer interaction, and genre for complex websites. Students will get to learn about Wiki’s, XML editors used in the industry, and about DITA concepts.
Note: It is recommended that MSTC students take this course after they take ENG 517.
Some of the courses that students can take from other departments are as follows:
COM 357 – Digital Video Production
Digital Video Production is offered to undergraduate students and lays emphasis on Principles of producing, directing, and editing techniques for digital video. In this course, students are taught how to write a script, create a storyboard, shoot, and edit short video projects.
COM 437 – Advanced Digital Video
Advanced Digital Video is an advanced level course offered to undergraduate students as well as graduate students. This course gives hands-on experience in digital video production.
Students are expected to learn the techniques of production of instructional videotapes. They are given practical experience in all phases of production process. Apart from this, students are also taught the strategies of pre-production organization and critical analysis of final product.