

PureText is a program which removes formatting from webpages and other documents to paste as plain text without going through Notepad.  This program does not install and is easily started from whereever the user has placed the file by double-clicking on the icon.

How it is useful to technical communicators:

Many a times we need to copy content and paste it to our workspace. In order to remove formatting we need to copy and paste it first to a notepad and then to our workspace. PureText saves this time. Instead of copying it on to another editor we can simply use a different key press combination to paste text which is cleared for formatting.

For applications like Microsoft Word an Adobe Framemaker, where formatting takes a little more time, PureText comes handy as it pastes content with the formatting style which exists on the line that it is pasted to.

Where you can learn more about it:


Other software like it:



Confluence is a software that is used for group collaboration.  It helps groups working on common tasks reach their mutual goals.  Users have the ability to create, discuss, organize, and centralize their projects all on one common and easy to access platform.  Confluence is a paid software, although users have the option to try a free trial version.

How it is useful:

In the field of technical communication, there are many instances in which the technical communicator must work in a group or collaborate on a project.  Technical communicators may also have the opportunity to manage or lead projects.  During these occasions, having resources to collectively use as a group to store and edit content is essential.  A technical communicator is expected to know how to use a number of collaboration-oriented software, so having an understanding of Confluence will benefit the technical communicator.

Where to learn more about it:

To learn more about Confluence, visit the website at the following link:
Try out a free trial in order to get hands-on experience with the software before buying it. To try out a free trial version, visit the following link:

Similar Software:

Bitrix24 is similar in function to Confluence.  This is a more affordable software.  Users can download a free version, although it does not include all Bitrix24 features, or pay monthly in order to obtain the full version of this program.

Bitrix24 allows users to communicate and collaborate all in one location.  To access this software, visit the following website address:



Visio is a Microsoft Office software that allows users to create graphs, diagrams, and flow charts to incorporate into their work.  This program provides an easy way to simplify and combine complex information into easy to read graphics.  It is a paid software, and users can access it through a free trial or by paying in small installments each month.

How it is useful:

Technical communicators will often find themselves using charts to display data.  Whether it be in project management or to display in some form of documentation, being able to create a graph proficiently is useful.

Although there are a number of programs that can create graphs, this program focuses solely on this function.  Instead of struggling to create a diagram through Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office created a separate software to make the process easy for anyone to tackle.

Where you can learn more about it:

To learn more about Visio, you can visit the software’s homepage at the following link:
Take a guided tour of the software or download a free trial in order to explore Visio yourself.  To access the guided tour of Visio, visit the following link:

Similar Software:

Omnigraffle is a diagramming application that allows users to organize thoughts in a visually appealing format.  This application is only available for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.  To access this application, visit its website at the following link:




Adobe FrameMaker

This tool by Adobe is essentially a Document Processor developed to create and modify large documents, including “Structured Documents” that contain embedded coding and also unstructured documents if the need arises. In other words, it is the most comprehensive application for authoring, editing and publishing professional Technical Documentations and is a favorite amongst the Technical Writing community. It is certainly a must-have tool for students of this program.

How is it used in the industry:

FrameMaker is used in the industry for structuring unstructured documents. They are widely used for creating user manuals and design specification documents. FrameMaker is seen as one of the advanced tools for creating technical documents. Only experienced technical writers usually work with FrameMaker.

How it is used in the MSTC Program:

This tool was earlier taught as a part of the ENG 519 course in the MSTC Program but is not anymore. This is due to the frequent changes and updates to the software and also because of the fact that not many companies in the industry use this software anymore.

Where can you get more information about FrameMaker:

You can access the tutorials for FrameMaker from https://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/en/framemaker/#tutorials.

Adobe FrameMaker is available at the CHASS Lab for students.  

Adobe Fireworks

“Fireworks” by Adobe is a bitmap and vector graphics editor. It is primarily used by website designers to create graphics for their websites and enables them to add various features such as slices and hotspots. It is remarkably easy to use and often used in conjunction with Dreamweaver. Ultimately, a full-fledged website with beautiful graphics and high-definition pixel count is the end result, if this tool is properly mastered by its user.

Fireworks is a part of the Adobe Creative Suite bundle and is available for students at the CHASS Lab at Tompkins 113.

What you need to know in FireWorks:

Edit a graphic: You should know how to edit a vector graphic. For this purpose, you need to know how images are used in a website. Apart from this, you should also know how to modify the resolution of the image according to the webpage specifications.

 How it is used in the industry:

FireWorks is not widely used by technical communicators in the industry. Managers do not specifically mention the need for new graduates to know how to use this tool.

How it is used in the MSTC Program:

Adobe FireWorks is taught to undergraduate as well as graduate students in the MSTC Program. It is taught when students are taught how to use DreamWeaver. Fireworks is mostly use to create banners for webpages.

Courses in which Adobe Fireworks is taught in the MSTC Program:

ENG 317 – Designing Web Communication

Students are taught the basics of editing and manipulating an image using Adobe Fireworks. They are given more information on how FireWorks works with HTML based software and how it is used for web development.

ENG 517 – Advanced Technical Writing, Editing, and Document Design

In this course, students are taught FireWorks as an extension to DreamWeaver. Adobe Fireworks is used to create banner that will be used by students in their DreamWeaver project. Students are given assignments on creating banners and customizing them according to the requirements of a webpage that they will design in DreamWeaver.

Where can you get more information about FireWorks:

If you are interested in learning more about Adobe FireWorks, refer http://tv.adobe.com/product/fireworks/.