
This website introduces tools that technical communicators use in everyday work. The website is divided into various sections of tools based on their functionality and includes licensed as well as open-source tools. While this site attempts to cover some of the most prominent technical communication technologies, we have also begun to incorporate more specialized tools for managing collaboration and productivity.

Through this site, you will learn:

  • basic definitions of tools that are used in technical communication
  • how each tool is used in industry if applicable
  • expectations for what new graduates should know about technical communication tools

Because this site is affiliated with the MSTC Program at NC State University, we also provide basic knowledge about tools that is useful to prospective and current students enrolled in the program. For example, when applicable, we discuss which tools are frequently used in different courses in the program, discuss knowledge useful for enrolling in MSTC courses, and provide information about where students can learn more about these tools.